Monday, March 1, 2010


I really believe there are three types of smart people; those with intellectual capital, cultural capital and social capital.

Intellectual capital is best knows as IQ. The natural tendency or smarts to connect the dots. To make smart arguments and deductions by following rhythms or paths. People with high IQs, I believe are smart at math and science; at logic and reason. They can look for and find connections, their brains are wired that way.

People with cultural capital are best described as those endowed with the gift of art and music. Those who appreciate the finer cultural indulgences in life and can take something asthetically insignificant and turn it into prose or revolutionary. These individuals can see the unseen by using their senses and are gifted in recourse as such.

And then there are those who are gifted with social capital. These people can connect the dots with others. They have the innate ability to use their social acumen and intuition to understand and appreciate others by finding common ground or areas of contention and work with them to create synergies and connections.

Today, I want to share with you someone with great cultural capital. My cousin Rais. He is a talented, young burgeoning artist whose gift should not be hidden. Enjoy his work at:

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